An allergy is a disproportionate reaction of the immune system to a substance that would normally be harmless.

Allopathic medicine treats the symptoms of this reaction but not the source.

PSYCH-K® offers a different view and sees the allergy as a signal to an emotional experience, a source of destabilisation that has become unconscious through a process of repression and has been projected onto a previously neutral and harmless external element, the allergen.

Thus allergies are a type of "physical phobia" that triggers the body to avoid the memory of an emotionally painful situation. Therefore the cause of the allergic reaction would be psychosomatic and by releasing the emotional response that triggers it, the symptoms would be mitigated or disappear.

90% of the time the allergy has to do with a person. In other cases the allergy is related to a situation or event.

For example, one client's cat allergy story originated when she was 7 years old. She found a kitten in the street and took it to her mother's house. The mother as they had many animals no longer wanted to take care of it and the following day when the girl woke up the kitten was no longer there. Without knowing what had happened to it, her mind repressed that pain and transformed it into an allergy to the same felines she loved so much.

In other cases the allergy to an animal for example is related to the difficult relationship that the person has with a member of his family.

The procedure to undo these misconceptions is as follows:

1- Test with the subconscious mind with which person or situation the allergic reaction is related to.

2- Confirm with the supra-conscious mind if it is safe to continue with the process.

3- Check again with the subconscious mind which will be the best way to undo the confusion. This usually happens through processes of transforming past stress and/or harmonising the unbalanced aspects of the relationship between the people involved.

4- Taking a conscious aligned action in life to integrate the subconscious changes.


“I was allergic to dust for more than 30 years, and it became really bad since pregnancy almost 5 years ago. I tried all natural therapies, with a short time relieve. But the allergy came always back as soon I stopped with the treatments (very expensive on long term).

After just one session with Ainhoa it’s gone. 

I got so used to being allergic, that it took me quite a while after the session with Ainhoa to “accept” that I don’t have it anymore. It seems, that the biggest challenge in getting rid of my allergy so quickly was my own mind.

I was very sceptical, but now, after 6 weeks symptom-free I can say that it’s true: you can get rid of an allergy in an hour! 

I can highly recommend her. 

I’m super grateful! Muchisimas gracias Ainhoa.”, Agnes Kru


“Since I was a child (I'm now 50) I've been allergic to cats. The allergies just got worse and worse, and in the last fifteen years or so, I would get asthma from cat exposure. I love animals, and have tried all kinds of things to get rid of my allergies. I am a deeply skeptical person, but decided to do a session with Ainhoa anyway, convinced nothing would happen, but that it couldn't hurt.

I only had one session and now have two cats living with me, and I have not used my asthma spray once since. It's nearly three months ago now. I still don't really get it. 

But Ainhoa is also very friendly and very cool, and she'll make you feel super-comfortable and safe. And maybe she'll bring about a miracle. She did for me” , Victoria Larsson

I am delighted with Ainhoa's work. PSYCH-K® has been a discovery for me, after spending years trying to find an improvement for my cat allergy. With just one session I started to notice the effects in the same week; since then I can enjoy the company of a pet, so I am deeply grateful to her, Ana