3 STEPS to boost your self-esteem
Today I would like to talk to you about the power of your words. The ones you say to yourself and the ones you say out loud.
Your inner talk comes from your upbringing.
What you have heard in your early years is what will form your inner judge.
Unfortunately this judge tends to be quite destructive, rarely comes in to cheer you up but rather tends to make you doubt yourself.
What you say to yourself, and how you speak to others about yourself drastically affects your reality and your well-being.
This week I invite you to observe your internal talk.
Choose one day to do this exercise
every time you catch yourself saying something negative to yourself, write it down.
notice how you talk about yourself to others, how you describe yourself... write it down.
from this moment on make the decision to keep observing your internal and external talk, and intentionally correct it for a more empowering one.
Just by doing the exercise one day you will have enough material to see where your weaknesses are.
If you make it a daily practice you will see how your self-esteem will be strengthened.
& If you find yourself stuck with your self-destructive language and would like some support, let me know.